
- I have not been everywhere, but it is on my list -

For me, traveling is one of the most beautiful things in life, because I can get to know other cultures, see different places all around the world and most importantly I can enjoy sunsets from other perspectives of the globe.


- A strong core and a forgiving heart are the key to a happy life -

I have been training my body for two years now and I would never regret that I started. A 30-45-minute workout complements a good day for me. Sport offers me a change from everyday life, lets me reduce stress during exhausting exam times and strengthens me not only physically, but also mentally.


- Love yourself enough to choose a healthy lifestyle -

Ever since I started dealing with the topic of nutrition, it has become almost natural for me to make the right decision for my body - to eat healthy. I feel a lot better when I take nutrient- and vitamin-rich food to me instead of fast food or sweets, what of course doesn’t mean that I don’t love and enjoy eating chocolate on some days.

Friends & Family

- Stay close to people who feel like sunlight -

The supporting, loveable and humorous character of my friends and family makes them something very special. I can always count on them and they stand behind me and my decisions in every moment, which makes me very grateful. In a nutshell: It would be boring without them.


- Each memory has a soundtrack of its own -

Music has been accompanying me my whole life. Not only my various Spotify-Playlists, but also playing the clarinet helps me a lot to keep my good mood all day long. For me, a life without music would be monotonous, colorless and there would be a big loss on memories I connect with some tracks.